Thursday, August 2, 2012

Ultimate Bacon Burger

We first fired up the grill at the end of May, when the weather first started getting warmer (before it got way too hot). And my first big Sunday breakfast consisted of eggs cooked in the cast iron skillet and I even toasted a bagel on the grill. Somehow, I never got around to taking a picture of it. Oh, well. It turned out pretty well.

Anyway, Fathers Day rolled around, and, somehow, there was no bacon involved. How is that again? There should be extra bacon on Fathers Day. I made up for it a few days later.

I saw the following on the Internet many times before, so I decided to try it, sans hot dogs. With the franks added, it's supposed to look like a cooked turtle. Without them, it's just meat and a whole lot of bacon.

Simple to make: there are two pre-maid hamburger patties (total weight: 1/2 pound) and 6 slices of bacon. Yes, that's a lot of bacon in one serving, but if anyone didn't want me to make that, there should have been bacon of Fathers Day!

It was interesting, and a little icky, weaving the bacon, and it almost didn't make it around the two burgers stacked in the center.

Cooked it on the grill a lower-than-usual flame for a longer time, and flipped it a couple of times.

Tasted good.